Forschungsgruppe Schaltkreise für Gedächtnis und Navigation

Publikationen von Mike Heilemann

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Sun , C.; Nold, A.; Fusco, C.; Rangaraju, V.; Tchumatchenko, T.; Heilemann, M.; Schuman, E. M.: The prevalence and specificity of local protein synthesis during neuronal synaptic plasticity. Sci. Adv. 7 (38), eabj0790 (2021)
Böger, C.; Hafner, A.-S.; Schlichthärle, T.; Strauss, M. T.; Malkusch, S.; Endesfelder, U.; Jungmann, R.; Schuman, E. M.; Heilemann, M.: Super-resolution imaging and estimation of protein copy numbers atsingle synapses with DNA-pointaccumulation for imaging innanoscale topography. Neurophotonics 6 (3), 035008 (2019)
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