Abteilung Neuronale Systeme

Publikationen von Rogier E. Poorthuis

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Dalmay, T.; Abs, E.; Poorthuis, R. E.; Hartung, J.; Pu, D.-L.; Onasch, S.; Lozano, Y. R.; Signoret-Genest, J.; Tovote, P.; Gjorgjieva, J. et al.; Letzkus, J. J.: A Critical Role for Neocortical Processing of Threat Memory. Neuron 104 (6), S. 1180 - 1194.e7 (2019)
Abs, E.; Poorthuis, R. E.; Apelblat, D.; Muhammad, K.; Pardi, M. B.; Enke, L.; Kushinsky, D.; Pu, D.-L.; Eizinger, M. F.; Conzelmann, K.-K. et al.; Spiegel, I.; Letzkus, J. J.: Learning-Related Plasticity in Dendrite-Targeting Layer 1 Interneurons. Neuron 100 (3), S. 684 - 699.e6 (2018)
Poorthuis, R. E.; Muhammad, K.; Wang, M.; Verhoog, M. B.; Junek, S.; Wrana, A.; Mansvelder, H. D.; Letzkus, J. J.: Rapid Neuromodulation of Layer 1 Interneurons in Human Neocortex. Cell Reports 23 (4), S. 951 - 958 (2018)
Poorthuis, R. E.; Enke, L.; Letzkus, J.: Cholinergic circuit modulation through differential recruitment of neocortical interneuron types during behaviour. Journal of Physiology 592, S. 4155 - 4164 (2014)
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