Abteilung Neuronale Systeme

Publikationen von D. Specht

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Regus-Leidig, H.; Specht, D.; tom Dieck, S.; Brandstätter, J. H.: Stability of active zone components at the photoreceptor ribbon complex. Molecular Vision 16 (12. Dec.), S. 2690 - 2700 (2010)
Regus-Leidig, H.; tom Dieck, S. T.; Specht, D.; Meyer, L.; Brandstätter, J. H.: Early steps in the assembly of photoreceptor ribbon synapses in the mouse retina: The involvement of precursor spheres. Journal of Comparative Neurology 512 (6), S. 814 - 824 (2009)
Specht, D.; Wu, S. B.; Turner, P.; Dearden, P.; Koentgen, F.; Wolfrum, U.; Maw, M.; Brandstätter, J. H.; tom Dieck, S. T.: Effects of presynaptic mutations on a postsynaptic cacna1s calcium channel colocalized with mGluR6 at mouse photoreceptor ribbon synapses. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 50 (2), S. 505 - 515 (2009)
Haverkamp, S.; Specht, D.; Majumdar, S.; Zaidi, N. F.; Brandstätter, J. H.; Wasco, W.; Wässle, H.; tom Dieck, S.: Type 4 OFF cone bipolar cells of the mouse retina express calsenilin and contact cones as well as rods. Journal of Comparative Neurology 507 (1), S. 1087 - 1101 (2008)
Specht, D.; tom Dieck, S.; Ammermüller, J.; Regus-Leidig, H.; Gundelfinger, E. D.; Brandstätter, J. H.: Structural and functional remodeling in the retina of a mouse with a photoreceptor synaptopathy: plasticity in the rod and degeneration in the cone system. European Journal of Neuroscience 26 (9), S. 2506 - 2515 (2007)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Specht, D.: Untersuchung von präsynaptischen Zytomatrixproteinen an den Photorezeptor-Bandsynapsen der Mausretina. Dissertation, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg (2008)
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