Abteilung Neuronale Systeme

Publikationen von Julian Langer

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Karimi, K.; Zöller, J.; Hofmann, T.; Zangl, R.; Schulte, J.; Langer, J.; Schmidt, C.; Morgner, N.: MS SIEVE–Pushing the Limits for Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 36 (1), S. 91 - 99 (2024)
Meier-Credo, J.; Heiniger, B.; Schori, C.; Rupprecht, F.; Michel, H.; Ahrens, C. H.; Langer, J.: Detection of Known and Novel Small Proteins in Pseudomonas stutzeri Using a Combination of Bottom-Up and Digest-Free Proteomics and Proteogenomics. Anal. Chem. (2023)

Preprint (1)

Alvarez-Pardo, R.; tom Dieck, S.; Desch, K.; Nassim-Assir, B.; Salinas, C. O.; Sivakumar , R. S.; Langer, J.; Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Schuman, E. M.: Cell type-Specific In Vivo Proteomes with a Multi-copy Mutant Methionyl t-RNA Synthetase Mouse Line. bioRxiv (2024)
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