Slidescanner and widefield microscopes
Zeiss AxioScan Z1

Slidescanner for transmitted light and fluorescence applications (up to 100 slides) (contact Dr. Stephan Junek for detailed configuration).
3D Histech Pannoramic Midi

Slidescanner for transmitted light and fluorescence applications (up to 12 slides) (contact Dr. Stephan Junek for detailed configuration).
Zeiss Axiozoom

Widefield macroscope with zoom optics. Detailed configuration upon request (contact Dr. Stephan Junek. Head of the Imaging Facility).
Zeiss PALM Microdissection microscope

Inverted microscope with laser for laser-captured microdissection experiments (contact Dr. Stephan Junek. Head of the Imaging Facility).
Nikon Ti2-E with Alveole Primo Premium

Widefield microscope with optical patterning device. More details coming soon.