Careers at the MPI for Brain Research
The Max Planck Institute for Brain Research is a fundamental research and scientific training institution focused on understanding the brain. We are looking for people with unconventional ideas and excellent performance. We offer the possibility to apply via our job portal.
Our Institute is largely self-sufficient. In addition to our academic departments, we also have a variety of academic and non-academic service groups, including imaging, bioinformatics, proteomics, IT, electronics, the mechanical workshop, facility management and the animal house. The goal of our colleagues in the service groups is to fully support the work of the scientists in all matters, i.e. provide positive support in all situations with both help and advice. We are pleased to offer highly qualified professionals the possibility of supporting our scientists in their work. In our contracts, we agree to the application and validity of the collective agreement for public service (TVöD Bund).
Necessary skills
If you enjoy working in an international research environment, are always happy to work with people from different cultural backgrounds, enjoy being the daily point of reference for people with questions, are sufficiently enthusiastic to constantly embark on new challenges and like pragmatically solving the variety of tricky challenges day-to-day life poses, then this is the job for you.
How to apply?
The application process for our Institute varies. For an advertised opening, the call for applications will specify whether the application should be sent by email or by the more traditional postal route. Often, email applications are preferred. You are also welcome to express your interest in working with us even if no vacancies have been announced. Please contact our Human Resources Department to enquire whether an unsolicited application would be worthwhile. Please note that we do not return application documents; your documents will be destroyed after two months.
Scientific Vacancies
Please refer to the graduate school coordinator for PhD positions and to the department heads for scientific positions, such as postdoc positions.
Apply directly for our currently advertised positions:
See vancancies in the ticker on the right and check for advertisements in German.