IMPRS for Neural Circuits
Until 2020, the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Neural Circuits offered up to ten positions per year for talented students with a relevant Master's or Bachelor's degree to conduct research leading to a PhD. Our current IMPRS is no longer accepting students. In the meantime, our PhD positions are filled on a rolling basis.
The common focus of the IMPRS for Neural Circuits is the understanding of neural circuits (from the simple to the large and complex), at all scales required to achieve this understanding. This ambitious objective requires analyses at the molecular, cellular, multi-cellular, network and behavioral levels, with the full understanding that macroscopic phenomena (spatial patterns, dynamics) can be scale-dependent, and that reductionism is not always sufficient as a method. Research areas are perception, connectomics, theoretical neuroscience, synaptic plasticity, molecular systems, brain dynamics, neural circuits, behavior and systems neuroscience.
In the IMPRS for Neural Circuits we offer a multidisciplinary program to excellent doctoral students with backgrounds in neuroscience, mathematics, physics, computer science, (bio) chemistry, biology and medicine as well as research experience in the participating institutions of the Frankfurt Neuroscience community. Students participate in a tailor-made educational program including research rotations and neuroscience courses but also in trainings in transferable skills as well as summer schools, lecture series and exchange programs with excellent research institutes abroad.