Publications of E. Schuman

Journal Article (130)

Journal Article
Elamri, I.; Heumüller, M.; Herzig, L.-M.; Stirnal, E.; Wachtveitl, J.; Schuman, E.; Schwalbe, H.: A new photocaged puromycin for an efficient labeling of newly translated porteins in living neurons. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology (19), pp. 2458 - 2464 (2018)
Journal Article
Dörrbaum, A. R.; Kochen, L.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Local and global influences on protein turnover in neurons and glia. eLife 7, e34202 (2018)
Journal Article
Tushev, G.; Glock, C.; Heumuller, M.; Biever, A.; Jovanovic, M.; Schuman, E. M.: Alternative 3' UTRs Modify the Localization, Regulatory Potential, Stability, and Plasticity of mRNAs in Neuronal Compartments. Neuron 98 (3), pp. 495 - 511 e6 (2018)
Journal Article
Schanzenbächer, C. T.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Time- and polariy-dependent proteomic changes associated with homeostatic scaling at central synapses. eLife 15 (7), e33322 (2018)
Journal Article
Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Schanzenbächer, C. T.; Hanus, C.; Glock, C.; tom Dieck, S.; Dörrbaum, A. R.; Bartnik, I.; Nassim-Assir, B.; Ciirdaeva, E.; Mueller, A. et al.; Dieterich, D. C.; Tirrell, D. A.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Cell-type-specific metabolic labeling of nascent proteomes in vivo. Nature Biotechnology 35 (12), pp. 1196 - 1201 (2017)
Journal Article
Sambandan, S.; Akbalik, G.; Kochen, L.; Rinne, J.; Kahlstatt, J.; Glock, C.; Tushev, G.; Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Heckel, A.; Schuman, E. M.: Activity-dependent spatially localized miRNA maturation in neuronal dendrites. Science 355 (6325), pp. 634 - 637 (2017)
Journal Article
Akbalik, G.; Langebeck-Jensen, K.; Tushev, G.; Sambandan, S.; Rinne, J.; Epstein, I.; Cajigas, I.; Vlatkovic, I.; Schuman, E. M.: Visualization of newly synthesized neuronal RNA in vitro and in vivo using click-chemistry. RNA Biol 14 (1), pp. 20 - 28 (2016)
Journal Article
Hanus, C.; Geptin, H.; Tushev, G.; Garg, S.; Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Sambandan, S.; Kochen, L.; Hafner, A. S.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Unconventional secretory processing diversifies neuronal ion channel properties. Elife 5 (2016)
Journal Article
Schanzenbächer, C. T.; Sambandan, S.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Nascent proteome remodeling following homeostatic scaling at hippocampal synapses. Neuron 92, pp. 358 - 371 (2016)
Journal Article
Mahdavi, A.; Hamblin, G. D.; Jindal, G. A.; Bagert, J. D.; Dong, C.; Sweredoski, M. J.; Hess, S.; Schuman, E. M.; Tirrell, D. A.: Engineered Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase for Cell-Selective Analysis of Mammalian Protein Synthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, pp. 4278 - 4281 (2016)
Journal Article
Tushev, G.; Schuman, E. M.: Rethinking functional segregation: Gradients of gene expression in area CA1. Neuron 89, pp. 242 - 243 (2016)
Journal Article
Martin, K. C.; Schuman, E. M.: NEUROSCIENCE. Opting in or out of the network. Science 350 (6267), pp. 1477 - 8 (2015)
Journal Article
tom Dieck, S.; Kochen, L.; Hanus, C.; Heumuller, M.; Bartnik, I.; Nassim-Assir, B.; Merk, K.; Mosler, T.; Garg, S.; Bunse, S. et al.; Tirrell, D. A.; Schuman, E. M.: Direct visualization of newly synthesized target proteins in situ. Nat Methods 12 (5), pp. 411 - 4 (2015)
Journal Article
You, X.; Vlatkovic, I.; Babic, A.; Will, T.; Epstein, I.; Tushev, G.; Akbalik, G.; Wang, M.; Glock, C.; Quedenau, C. et al.; Wang, X.; Hou, J.; Liu, H.; Sun, W.; Sambandan, S.; Chen, T.; Schuman, E. M.; Chen, W.: Neural circular RNAs are derived from synaptic genes and regulated by development and plasticity. Nat Neurosci 18 (4), pp. 603 - 610 (2015)
Journal Article
Yuet, K. P.; Doma, M. K.; Ngo, J. T.; Sweredoski, M. J.; Graham, R. L. J.; Moradian, A.; Hess, S.; Schuman, E. M.; Sternberg, P. W.; Tirrell, D. A.: Cell-specific proteomic analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 112 (9), pp. 2705 - 2710 (2015)
Journal Article
Buhr, F.; Kohl-Landgraf, J.; tom Dieck, S.; Hanus, C.; Chatterjee, D.; Hegelein, A.; Schuman, E. M.; Wachtveitl, J.; Schwalbe, H.: Design of photocaged puromycin for nascent polypeptide release and spatiotemporal monitoring of translation. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 54 (12), pp. 3717 - 21 (2015)
Journal Article
Garg, S.; Fischer, S.; Stelzer, E.; Schuman, E. M.: Lateral assembly of N-cadherin drives tissue integrity by stabilising adherens junctions. Journal of Royal Society Interface 12 (104), 20141055 (2015)
Journal Article
Hanus, C.; Kochen, L.; Tom Dieck, S.; Racine, V.; Sibarita, J. B.; Schuman, E. M.; Ehlers, M. D.: Synaptic control of secretory trafficking in dendrites. Cell Rep. 7 (6), pp. 1771 - 1778 (2014)
Journal Article
Bagert, J. D.; Xie, Y. J.; Sweredoski, M. J.; Qi, Y.; Hess, S.; Schuman, E. M.; Tirrell, D. A.: Quantitative, time-resolved proteomic analysis by combining bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging and pulsed stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 13 (5), pp. 1352 - 1358 (2014)
Journal Article
Perkovic, M.; Kunz, M.; Endesfeldert, U.; Bunse, S.; Wigge, C.; Yu, Z.; Hodirnau, V.-V.; Scheffer, M. P.; Seyberg, A.; Malkusch, S. et al.; Schuman, E. M.; Heilemann, M.; Fangakis, A. S.: Correlative Light- and electron Microscopy with chemical tags. J. Struct. Biol. 186 (2), pp. 205 - 213 (2014)
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