Publications of Gilles Laurent

Journal Article (113)

Journal Article
MacLeod, K.; Laurent, G.: Distinct mechanisms for synchronization and temporal patterning of odor-encoding neural assemblies. Science 274 (5289), pp. 976 - 9 (1996)
Journal Article
Laurent, G.: Dynamical representation of odors by oscillating and evolving neural assemblies. Trends Neurosci 19 (11), pp. 489 - 96 (1996)
Journal Article
Leitch, B.; Laurent, G.: GABAergic synapses in the antennal lobe and mushroom body of the locust olfactory system. J Comp Neurol 372 (4), pp. 487 - 514 (1996)
Journal Article
Laurent, G.; Wehr, M.; Macleod, K.; Stopfer, M.; Leitch, B.; Davidowitz, H.: Dynamic Encoding of Odors With Oscillating Neuronal Assemblies in the Locust Brain. Biol Bull 191 (1), pp. 70 - 75 (1996)
Journal Article
Laurent, G.; Wehr, M.; Davidowitz, H.: Temporal representations of odors in an olfactory network. J Neurosci 16 (12), pp. 3837 - 47 (1996)
Journal Article
Laurent, G.: Odor images and tunes. Neuron 16 (3), pp. 473 - 6 (1996)
Journal Article
Hatsopoulos, N.; Gabbiani, F.; Laurent, G.: Elementary computation of object approach by wide-field visual neuron. Science 270 (5238), pp. 1000 - 3 (1995)
Journal Article
Sivaramakrishnan, S.; Laurent, G.: Pharmacological characterization of presynaptic calcium currents underlying glutamatergic transmission in the avian auditory brainstem. J Neurosci 15 (10), pp. 6576 - 85 (1995)
Journal Article
Hatsopoulos, N. G.; Burrows, M.; Laurent, G.: Hysteresis reduction in proprioception using presynaptic shunting inhibition. J Neurophysiol 73 (3), pp. 1031 - 42 (1995)
Journal Article
Ryckebusch, S.; Laurent, G.: Interactions between segmental leg central pattern generators during fictive rhythms in the locust. J Neurophysiol 72 (6), pp. 2771 - 85 (1994)
Journal Article
Ryckebusch, S.; Wehr, M.; Laurent, G.: Distinct rhythmic locomotor patterns can be generated by a simple adaptive neural circuit: biology, simulation, and VLSI implementation. J Comput Neurosci 1 (4), pp. 339 - 58 (1994)
Journal Article
Laurent, G.; Davidowitz, H.: Encoding of olfactory information with oscillating neural assemblies. Science 265 (5180), pp. 1872 - 5 (1994)
Journal Article
Laurent, G.; Naraghi, M.: Odorant-induced oscillations in the mushroom bodies of the locust. J Neurosci 14 (5 Pt 2), pp. 2993 - 3004 (1994)
Journal Article
Wolf, H.; Laurent, G.: Rhythmic modulation of the responsiveness of locust sensory local interneurons by walking pattern generating networks. J Neurophysiol 71 (1), pp. 110 - 8 (1994)
Journal Article
Leitch, B.; Laurent, G.: Distribution of GABAergic synaptic terminals on the dendrites of locust spiking local interneurones. J Comp Neurol 337 (3), pp. 461 - 70 (1993)
Journal Article
Laurent, G.: A dendritic gain control mechanism in axonless neurons of the locust, Schistocerca americana. J Physiol 470, pp. 45 - 54 (1993)
Journal Article
Laurent, G.; Seymour-Laurent, K. J.; Johnson, K.: Dendritic excitability and a voltage-gated calcium current in locust nonspiking local interneurons. J Neurophysiol 69 (5), pp. 1484 - 98 (1993)
Journal Article
Ryckebusch, S.; Laurent, G.: Rhythmic patterns evoked in locust leg motor neurons by the muscarinic agonist pilocarpine. J Neurophysiol 69 (5), pp. 1583 - 95 (1993)
Journal Article
Burrows, M.; Laurent, G.: Synaptic potentials in the central terminals of locust proprioceptive afferents generated by other afferents from the same sense organ. J Neurosci 13 (2), pp. 808 - 19 (1993)
Journal Article
Leitch, B.; Laurent, G.; Shepherd, D.: Embryonic development of synapses on spiking local interneurones in locust. J Comp Neurol 324 (2), pp. 213 - 36 (1992)
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