Publications of Gilles Laurent

Book Chapter (17)

Book Chapter
Laurent, G.: Shall we even understand the fly’s brain? In: 23 Problems in Systems Neuroscience (Eds. Van Hemmen, J. L.; Sejnowski, T. J.). Oxford University Press (2005)
Book Chapter
Laurent, G.: Dendritic processing in invertebrates: A link to function. In: Dendrites, pp. 290 - 309 (Eds. Stuart, G.; Spruston, N.; Hausser, M.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (1999)
Book Chapter
Laurent, G.; MacLeod, K.; Stopfer, M.; Wehr, M.: Dynamic representation of odors by oscillating neural assemblies. In: Advances in Synaptic Plasticity, pp. 221 - 38 (Eds. Baudry, M.; Davis, J. L.; Thompson, R. F.). The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1999)
Book Chapter
Stopfer, M.; Wehr, M.; MacLeod, K.; Laurent, G.: Neural dynamics, oscillatory synchronization, and odour codes. In: Insect Olfaction, pp. 163 - 80 (Ed. Hansson, B. S.). Springer, Berlin (1999)
Book Chapter
Burrows, M.; Matheson, T.; Laurent, G.: Presynaptic gain control in a locust proprioceptor. In: Neural Control of Movement, pp. 253 - 60 (Eds. Ferrell, W. R.; Proske, U.). Plenum Press, New York (1995)
Book Chapter
Laurent, G.: Integration by spiking and nonspiking local interneurons in locust central nervous system. In: Biological Neural Networks in Invertebrate Neuroethology and Robots, pp. 69 - 85 (Eds. McKenna, T. M.; Beer, R. D.; Ritzmann, R. E.). Academic Press Inc. (1993)
Book Chapter
Laurent, G.: Intersegmental interneurons and interactions between centres of local integration in the locust central nervous system. In: Mechanisms of Arthropod and Vertebrate Locomotion, pp. 11 - 24 (Eds. Armstrong, D.; Bush, B. M. H.). Manchester University Press (1991)
Book Chapter
Burrows, M.; Laurent, G.: Reflex circuits and the control of leg movement. In: The Computing Neuron, pp. 244 - 61 (Eds. Durbin, R.; Miall, C.). Addison Wesley (1989)
Book Chapter
Honegger, H. W.; Garcia-Scheible, I.; Laurent, G.: Vibration blocks habituation of an optically released antennal response in crickets. In: Acoustic and Vibrational Communication in Insects (Eds. Kalmring, G.; Elsner, N.). Paul Darcy (1985)
Book Chapter
Richard, D.; Preteur, V.; Laurent, G.; Campan, R.: Support neurophysiologique de l'orientation a point de depart visuel chez le grillon. In: Vision chez les Invertebrés, pp. 209 - 15 (Eds. Clement, P.; Ramousse, R.). CNRS Editions (1984)
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