The Inhibitory Neurotransmitter Glycine in the Retina

Research report (imported) 2006 - Max Planck Institute for Brain Research

Wässle, Heinz
Neuroanatomie (Prof. Dr. Heinz Wässle)
MPI für Hirnforschung, Frankfurt/MainNeurochemie (Prof. Dr. Heinrich Betz)
MPI für Hirnforschung, Frankfurt/Main
The retina covers the inside of the eye and, comparable to the film in a photographic camera, represents the light sensitive layer. During embryonic development the retina forms as a protrusion of the future brain and is, therefore, part of the central nervous system. Because of its well defined function, its regular structure and its easy accessibility, the retina serves as a model to study brain function. This report describes the contacts (synapses) between neurons of the retina where the inhibitory neurotransmitter glycine is released.

For the full text, see the German version.

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