HRinfo listeners visit the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research
On Monday March 14, 2016, six listeners of the local radio station HRinfo visited the MPI for Brain Research. Two directors, Erin Schuman and Gilles Laurent, explained their research to them and a tour was giving through the animal facility, showing them zebrafish as well as reptiles and scientific equipment for electrophysiology.

Max Planck Directors Erin Schuman and Gilles Laurent, together with the six HRinfo listeners and Regina Oehler (left)
The visit was part of the campaign organized by HRinfo, where listeners could sign up to different Institutions in the Rhine-Main area. Regina Oehler from HRinfo introduced the Institute in a video and received more than 200 applications. After the visit, the listeners were intrigued and learned many new things about the brain and neuroscience. Audio: Regina Oehler reports on the visit (March 15).