
Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Basu, R.; Gebauer, R.; Herfurth, T.; Kolb, S.; Golipour, Z.; Tchumatchenko, T.; Ito, H.: The orbitofrontal cortex maps future navigational goals. Nature 599, pp. 449 - 452 (2021)
Journal Article
van Wijngaarden, J. B.; Babl, S. S.; Ito, H.: Entorhinal-retrosplenial circuits for allocentric-egocentric transformation of boundary coding. eLife 2020 (9), e59816 (2020)
Journal Article
Ito, H.; Moser, E. I.; Moser, M. B.: Supramammillary Nucleus Modulates Spike-Time Coordination in the Prefrontal-Thalamo-Hippocampal Circuit during Navigation. Neuron 99 (3), pp. 576 - 587 e5 (2018)
Journal Article
Ito, H.; Zhang, S. J.; Witter, M. P.; Moser, E. I.; Moser, M. B.: A prefrontal-thalamo-hippocampal circuit for goal-directed spatial navigation. Nature 522 (7554), pp. 50 - 55 (2015)
Journal Article
Miao, C.; Cao, Q.; Ito, H.; Yamahachi, H.; Witter, M. P.; Moser, M. B.; Moser, E. I.: Hippocampal Remapping after Partial Inactivation of the Medial Entorhinal Cortex. Neuron 88 (3), pp. 590 - 603 (2015)
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Ito, H.; Schuman, E. M.: Functional division of hippocampal area CA1 via modulatory gating of entorhinal cortical inputs. Hippocampus 22 (2), pp. 372 - 387 (2012)
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Ito, H.; Smith, S. E.; Hsiao, E.; Patterson, P. H.: Maternal immune activation alters nonspatial information processing in the hippocampus of the adult offspring. Brain Behav Immun 24 (6), pp. 930 - 941 (2010)
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Taylor, A. M.; Dieterich, D. C.; Ito, H.; Kim, S. A.; Schuman, E. M.: Microfluidic local perfusion chambers for the visualization and manipulation of synapses. Neuron 66 (1), pp. 57 - 68 (2010)
Journal Article
Ito, H.; Schuman, E. M.: Distance-dependent homeostatic synaptic scaling mediated by a-type potassium channels. Front Cell Neurosci 3, p. 15 (2009)
Journal Article
Ito, H.; Schuman, E. M.: Frequency-dependent gating of synaptic transmission and plasticity by dopamine. Front Neural Circuits 1, p. 1 (2007)
Journal Article
Sutton, M. A.; Taylor, A. M.; Ito, H.; Pham, A.; Schuman, E. M.: Postsynaptic decoding of neural activity: eEF2 as a biochemical sensor coupling miniature synaptic transmission to local protein synthesis. Neuron 55 (4), pp. 648 - 661 (2007)
Journal Article
Sutton, M. A.; Ito, H.; Cressy, P.; Kempf, C.; Woo, J. C.; Schuman, E. M.: Miniature neurotransmission stabilizes synaptic function via tonic suppression of local dendritic protein synthesis. Cell 125 (4), pp. 785 - 799 (2006)
Journal Article
Moriyoshi, K.; Iijima, K.; Fujii, H.; Ito, H.; Cho, Y.; Nakanishi, S.: Seven in absentia homolog 1A mediates ubiquitination and degradation of group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101 (23), pp. 8614 - 9 (2004)

Review Article (7)

Review Article
Kesner, A. J.; Mozaffarilegha, M.; Rajamani, K. T.; Arima, Y.; Harony-Nicolas, H.; Hashimotodani, Y.; Ito, H.T.; Song, J.; Ikemoto, S.: Hypothalamic Supramammillary Control of Cognition and Motivation. J. Neurosci. 43 (45), pp. 7538 - 7546 (2023)
Review Article
Raunak, B.; Ito, H.T.: A goal pointer for a cognitive map in the orbitofrontal cortex. Curr. Opin.Neurobiol. 83 (2023), 102803 (2023)
Review Article
Dolleman-van der Weel, M. J.; Griffin, A. L.; Ito, H.; Shapiro, M. L.; Witter, M. P.; Vertes, R. P.; Allen, T. A.: The nucleus reuniens of the thalamus sits at the nexus of a hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex circuit enabling memory and behavior. Learn Mem 26 (7), pp. 191 - 205 (2019)
Review Article
Ito, H.: Prefrontal-hippocampal interactions for spatial navigation. Neurosci Res 129, pp. 2 - 7 (2018)
Review Article
Kitanishi, T.; Ito, H.; Hayashi, Y.; Shinohara, Y.; Mizuseki, K.; Hikida, T.: Network mechanisms of hippocampal laterality, place coding, and goal-directed navigation. J Physiol Sci 67 (2), pp. 247 - 258 (2016)
Review Article
Igarashi, K. M.; Ito, H.; Moser, E. I.; Moser, M. B.: Functional diversity along the transverse axis of hippocampal area CA1. FEBS Lett 588 (15), pp. 2470 - 2476 (2014)
Review Article
Ito, H.; Schuman, E. M.: Frequency-dependent signal transmission and modulation by neuromodulators. Front Neurosci 2 (2), pp. 138 - 144 (2008)
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