Neural Systems Department

Publications of D. Brauner

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
tom Dieck, S.; Altrock, W. D.; Kessels, M. M.; Qualmann, B.; Regus, H.; Brauner, D.; Fejtová, A.; Bracko, O.; Gundelfinger, E. D.; Brandstätter, J. H.: Molecular dissection of the photoreceptor ribbon synapse: physical interaction of Bassoon and RIBEYE is essential for the assembly of the ribbon complex. Journal of Cell Biology 168 (5), pp. 825 - 836 (2005)

Thesis (1)

Brauner, D.: Zelluläre und synaptische Plastizität in der Retina einer Bassoon-mutanten Maus. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main (2004)
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