Max Planck Directors respond to reports on the Institute's history during the Third Reich

During the Third Reich, some investigators at the Institute's predecessor, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Brain Research (KWIBR, then in Berlin-Buch), instigated and supported the murder of mentally handicapped people, including children, for the purpose of investigating their brains. On January 26, 2015 in Berlin-Dahlem, Dr. Götz Aly presented his findings, soon to appear in a book, concerning not only this horrific history but also his own decades-long battle to get to the truth.
In their open letter, the directors respond to claims by Arno Widmann, journalist at the Frankfurt Rundschau (FR) and Berliner Zeitung, that the current Institute's Directors have failed to respond to the Institute's history. This allegation could not be further from the truth. The atrocities by KWIBR scientists are chronicled in the ongoing exhibition "100 years of MPI: minds in motion" and an accompanying anniversary book (ISBN 978-3-00-045977-1), as well as in the history section of the institute´s website (see chapter "A dark history").
In their letter to the editor, the directors (who are American, French and German citizens) express again their profound sadness about this shameful history, and their dismay upon learning of the resistance Aly experienced with the Max Planck Society during his investigations. Finally, the institute´s directors respond to Widmann´s insinuations by indicating that they did not attend Götz Aly´s conference in Berlin because they had been neither informed about it, nor invited to it.
Their letter was published in FR on February 12 and in Berliner Zeitung on February 14.
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See Chapter "A dark period" on our Institute´s History-Page
"Minds in Motions" exhibition