Die Lichtsinneszellen der Säugetier-Retina: Anpassungen an Lebensräume und Lebensweisen?

Prof. Dr. Leo Peichl - Comparative Anatomy of the Mammalian Retina, MPI for Brain Research Max Planck Society Research Report 2009-2010

January 01, 2010

Abstract: The properties of the retinal photoreceptors determine the information that the visual system receives for further processing. All mammals have rod photoreceptors for low-light and night vision, and cone photoreceptors for daylight and color vision. However, this basic blueprint is rather flexible and shows species-specific adaptations to different visual needs, e. g. differences in color vision, ultraviolet vision in some species, and color blindness in others. The rod nuclei of nocturnal mammals act as light-collecting lenses for improved light transmission.

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