
Journal Article (130)

Journal Article
van Oostrum , M.; Blok, T. M.; Giandomenico, S. L.; Dieck, S. T.; Tushev, G.; Fürst, N.; Langer , J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: The proteomic landscape of synaptic diversity across brain regions and cell types. Cell 186 (24), pp. 5411 - 5427.e23 (2023)
Journal Article
Schuhmacher, J. S.; tom Dieck, S.; Christoforidis, S.; Landerer, C.; Gallesio, J. D.; Hersemann, L.; Seifert, S.; Schäfer, R.; Giner, A.; Toth-Petroczy, A. et al.; Kalaidzidis, Y.; Bohnsack, K. E.; Bohnsack, M. T.; Schuman, E. M.; Zerial, M.: The Rab5 effector FERRY links early endosomes with mRNA localization. Mol Cell. 83 (11), pp. 1839 - 1855.e13 (2023)
Journal Article
Sun, C.; Desch, K.; Nassim-Assir, B.; Giandomenico, S. L.; Nemcova, P.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: An abundance of free regulatory (19 S) proteasome particles regulates neuronal synapses. Science 380 (6647) (2023)
Journal Article
Schroeder , A.; Pardi, M. B.; Keijser, J.; Dalmay, T.; Groisman, A. I.; Schuman, E. M.; Sprekeler, H.; Letzkus, J. J.: Inhibitory top-down projections from zona incerta mediate neocortical memory. Neuron (2023)
Journal Article
Verzelli, P.; Nold, A.; Sun, C.; Heilemann, M.; Schuman, E. M.; Tchumatchenko, T.: Unbiased choice of global clustering parameters for single-molecule localization microscopy. Sci. Rep. 12, 22561 (2022)
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Sun, C.; Schuman, E. M.: Logistics of neuronal protein turnover: Numbers and mechanisms. Mol Cell Neurosci 123, 103793 (2022)
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Dörrbaum, A. R.; Schuman, E. M.; Langer, J. D.: Dynamic SILAC to Determine Protein Turnover in Neurons and Glia. Methods Mol. Biol. 2603, pp. 1 - 17 (2022)
Journal Article
Klimek, R.; Kaiser, C.; Murmann, N. S.; Kaltenschnee, N.; Spanò, T.; Wachtveitl, J.; Schuman, E. M.; Heckel, A.: RNA probes for visualization of sarcin/ricin loop depurination without background fluorescence. Chem. Asian J., e20220107 (2022)
Journal Article
Gemmer, A.; Mirkes, K.; Anneser, L.; Eilers, T.; Kibat, C.; Mathuru, A.; Ryu, S.; Schuman, E. M.: Oxytocin receptors influence the development and maintenance of social behavior in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Sci. Rep. 12, 4322 (2022)
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Seidel, M.; Becker, A.; Pereira, F.; Landry, J. J. M.; de Azevedo, N. T. D.; Fusco, C. M.; Kaindl, E.; Romanov, N.; Baumbach, J.; Langer, J. D. et al.; Schuman, E. M.; Patil, K. R.; Hummer, G.; Benes, V.; Beck, M.: Co-translational assembly orchestrates competing biogenesis pathways. Nat. Commun. 13 (1224) (2022)
Journal Article
Anneser , L.; Gemmer, A.; Eilers, T.; Alcantara, I. C.; Loos, A.-Y.; Ryu, S.; Schuman, E. M.: The neuropeptide Pth2 modulates social behavior and anxiety in zebrafish. iScience 25 (3), 103868 (2022)
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Perez , J.; Schuman, E. M.: Subcellular RNA-seq for the Analysis of the Dendritic and Somatic Transcriptomes of Single Neurons. Bio Protocol 12 (1), e4278 (2022)
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Desch, K.; Schuman, E. M.; Langer, J. D.: Quantifying phosphorylation dynamics in primary neuronal cultures using LC-MS/MS. STAR Protocols 3 (1), 101063 (2021)
Journal Article
Glock, C.; Biever, A.; Tushev, G.; Nassim-Assir, B.; Kao, A.; Bartnik, I.; tom Dieck, S.; Schuman, E. M.: The translatome of neuronal cell bodies, dendrites,and axons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118 (43), e2113929118 (2021)
Journal Article
Fusco, C. M.; Desch, K.; Dörrbaum, A. R.; Wang, M.; Staab, A.; Chan, I. C. W.; Vail, E.; Villeri, V.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Neuronal ribosomes exhibit dynamic and context-dependent exchange of ribosomal proteins. Nat. Commun. 12, 6127 (2021)
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Fernandes, G.; Mishra, P. K.; Sarfaraz Nawaz, M.; Donlin-Asp, P. G.; Mohammed , M. R.; Hazra, A.; Kedia, S.; Kayenaat, A.; Songara, D.; Wyllie, D. J.A. et al.; Schuman, E. M.; Kind, P. C.; Chattarji, S.: Correction of amygdalar dysfunction in a rat model of fragile X syndrome. Cell Rep. 37 (2), 109805 (2021)
Journal Article
Sun , C.; Nold, A.; Fusco, C.; Rangaraju, V.; Tchumatchenko, T.; Heilemann, M.; Schuman, E. M.: The prevalence and specificity of local protein synthesis during neuronal synaptic plasticity. Sci. Adv. 7 (38), eabj0790 (2021)
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Spaulding, E. L.; Hines, T. J.; Bais, P.; Tadenev, A. L. D.; Schneider, R.; Jewett, D.; Pattavina, B.; Pratt, S. L.; Morelli, K. H.; Stum, M. G. et al.; Hill , D. P.; Gobet, C.; Pipis, M.; Reilly , M. M.; Jennings, M. J.; Horvath, R.; Bai, Y.; Shy, M. E.; Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Schuman, E. M.; Bogdanik, L. P.; Storkebaum, E.; Burgess , R. W.: The integrated stress response contributes to tRNA synthetase-associated peripheral neuropathy. Science 373 (6559), pp. 1156 - 1161 (2021)
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Desch, K.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Dynamic bi-directional phosphorylation events associated with the reciprocal regulation of synapses during homeostatic up- and down-scaling. Cell Rep. 36 (8), 109583 (2021)
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Donlin-Asp, P. G.; Polisseni, C.; Klimek, R.; Heckel , A.; Schuman, E. M.: Differential regulation of local mRNA dynamics and translation following long-term potentiation and depression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 118 (13) (2021)
Journal Article
Perez, J. D.; Tom Dieck, S.; Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Tushev, G.; Chan, I. C.; Schuman, E. M.: Subcellular sequencing of single neurons reveals the dendritic transcriptome of GABAergic interneurons. eLife 10, e63092 (2021)
Journal Article
Anneser, L.; Alcantara, I. C.; Gemmer, A.; Mirkes, K.; Ryu, S.; Schuman, E. M.: The neuropeptide Pth2 dynamically senses others via mechanosensation. Nature 588 (7839), pp. 653 - 657 (2020)
Journal Article
Sartori, F.; Hafner, A. S.; Karimi, A.; Nold, A.; Fonkeu, Y.; Schuman, E. M.; Tchumatchenko, T.: Statistical Laws of Protein Motion in Neuronal Dendritic Trees. Cell Rep 33 (7), p. 108391 (2020)
Journal Article
Fonkeu, Y.; Kraynyukova, N.; Hafner, A.S.; Kochen, L.; Sartori, F.; Schuman, E. M.; Tchumatchenko, T.: How mRNA localization and protein synthesis sites influence dendritic protein distribution and dynamics. Neuron 103 (6), pp. 1109 - 1122 (2020)
Journal Article
Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Tom Dieck, S.; Fusco, C. M.; Donlin-Asp, P.; Perez, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: The switch-like expression of heme-regulated kinase 1 mediates neuronal proteostasis following proteasome inhibition. Elife 9, e52714 (2020)
Journal Article
Dorrbaum, A. R.; Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Nassim-Assir, B.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Proteome dynamics during homeostatic scaling in cultured neurons. eLife 9, e52939 (2020)
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Shahar, O. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Large-scale cell-type-specific imaging of protein synthesis in a vertebrate brain. Elife 9, e50564 (2020)
Journal Article
Biever, A.; Glock, C.; Tushev, G.; Ciirdaeva, E.; Dalmay, T.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Monosomes actively translate synaptic mRNAs in neuronal processes. Science 367 (6477), eaay4991 (2020)
Journal Article
Luck, R.; Urban, S.; Karakatsani, A.; Harde, E.; Sambandan, S.; Nicholson, L.; Haverkamp, S.; Mann, R.; Martin-Villalba, A.; Schuman, E. M. et al.; Acker-Palmer, A.; Ruiz de Almodovar, C.: VEGF/VEGFR2 signaling regulates hippocampal axon branching during development. Elife 8 (2019)
Journal Article
Wang, X.; You, X.; Langer, J. D.; Hou, J.; Rupprecht, F.; Vlatkovic, I.; Quedenau, C.; Tushev, G.; Epstein, I.; Schaefke, B. et al.; Sun, W.; Fang, L.; Li, G.; Hu, Y.; Schuman, E. M.; Chen, W.: Full-length transcriptome reconstruction reveals a large diversity of RNA and protein isoforms in rat hippocampus. Nat. Commun. 10, p. 5009 (2019)
Journal Article
Heumuller, M.; Glock, C.; Rangaraju, V.; Biever, A.; Schuman, E. M.: Author Correction: A genetically encodable cell-type-specific protein synthesis inhibitor. Nat Methods 16 (12), p. 1332 (2019)
Journal Article
Wang, M.; Hou, J.; Muller-McNicoll, M.; Chen, W.; Schuman, E. M.: Long and Repeat-Rich Intronic Sequences Favor Circular RNA Formation under Conditions of Reduced Spliceosome Activity. iScience 20, pp. 237 - 247 (2019)
Journal Article
Böger, C.; Hafner, A.-S.; Schlichthärle, T.; Strauss, M. T.; Malkusch, S.; Endesfelder, U.; Jungmann, R.; Schuman, E. M.; Heilemann, M.: Super-resolution imaging and estimation of protein copy numbers atsingle synapses with DNA-pointaccumulation for imaging innanoscale topography. Neurophotonics 6 (3), 035008 (2019)
Journal Article
Heumuller, M.; Glock, C.; Rangaraju, V.; Biever, A.; Schuman, E. M.: A genetically encodable cell-type-specific protein synthesis inhibitor. Nat Methods 16 (8), pp. 699 - 702 (2019)
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Langebeck-Jensen, K.; Shahar, O. D.; Schuman, E. M.; Langer, J. D.; Ryu, S.: Larval zebrafish proteome regulation in response to an environmental challenge. Proteomics 19, 1900028 (2019)
Journal Article
Hafner, A.-S.; Donlin-Asp, P.; Leitch, B.; Herzog, E.; Schuman, E. M.: Local protein synthesis is a ubiquitous feature of neuronal pre- and postsynaptic compartments. Science 364 (6441), eaau3644 (2019)
Journal Article
Mockett, B. G.; Guèvremont, D.; Elder, M. K.; Parfitt, K. D.; Peppercorn, K.; Morrissey, J.; Singh, A.; Hintz, T. J.; Kochen, L.; tom Dieck, S. et al.; Schuman, E.; Tate, W. P.; Williams, J. M.; Abraham, W. C.: Glutamate receptor trafficking and protein synthesis mediate the facilitation of LTP by secreted amyloid precursor protein-alpha. The Journal of Neuroscience 39 (17), pp. 3188 - 3203 (2019)
Journal Article
Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Schanzenbächer, C. T.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E.M.: Cell-type-specific metabolic labeling, detection and identification of nascent proteomes in vivo. Nat. Protoc. 14, pp. 556 - 575 (2019)
Journal Article
Kreis, P.; Gallrein, C.; Rojas-Puente, E.; Mack, T. G. A.; Kroon, C.; Dinkel, V.; Willmes, C.; Murk, K.; Tom-Dieck, S.; Schuman, E. M. et al.; Kirstein, J.; Eickholt, B. J.: ATM phosphorylation of the actin-binding protein drebrin controls oxidation stress-resistance in mammalian neurons and C. elegans. Nat Commun 10 (1), p. 486 (2019)
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Rangaraju, V.; Lauterbach, M.; Schuman, E. M.: Spatially Stable Mitochondrial Compartments Fuel Local Translation during Plasticity. Cell 176 (1-2), pp. 73 - 84.e15 (2019)
Journal Article
Elamri, I.; Heumüller, M.; Herzig, L.-M.; Stirnal, E.; Wachtveitl, J.; Schuman, E.; Schwalbe, H.: A new photocaged puromycin for an efficient labeling of newly translated porteins in living neurons. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology (19), pp. 2458 - 2464 (2018)
Journal Article
Dörrbaum, A. R.; Kochen, L.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Local and global influences on protein turnover in neurons and glia. eLife 7, e34202 (2018)
Journal Article
Tushev, G.; Glock, C.; Heumuller, M.; Biever, A.; Jovanovic, M.; Schuman, E. M.: Alternative 3' UTRs Modify the Localization, Regulatory Potential, Stability, and Plasticity of mRNAs in Neuronal Compartments. Neuron 98 (3), pp. 495 - 511 e6 (2018)
Journal Article
Schanzenbächer, C. T.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Time- and polariy-dependent proteomic changes associated with homeostatic scaling at central synapses. eLife 15 (7), e33322 (2018)
Journal Article
Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Schanzenbächer, C. T.; Hanus, C.; Glock, C.; tom Dieck, S.; Dörrbaum, A. R.; Bartnik, I.; Nassim-Assir, B.; Ciirdaeva, E.; Mueller, A. et al.; Dieterich, D. C.; Tirrell, D. A.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Cell-type-specific metabolic labeling of nascent proteomes in vivo. Nature Biotechnology 35 (12), pp. 1196 - 1201 (2017)
Journal Article
Sambandan, S.; Akbalik, G.; Kochen, L.; Rinne, J.; Kahlstatt, J.; Glock, C.; Tushev, G.; Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Heckel, A.; Schuman, E. M.: Activity-dependent spatially localized miRNA maturation in neuronal dendrites. Science 355 (6325), pp. 634 - 637 (2017)
Journal Article
Akbalik, G.; Langebeck-Jensen, K.; Tushev, G.; Sambandan, S.; Rinne, J.; Epstein, I.; Cajigas, I.; Vlatkovic, I.; Schuman, E. M.: Visualization of newly synthesized neuronal RNA in vitro and in vivo using click-chemistry. RNA Biol 14 (1), pp. 20 - 28 (2016)
Journal Article
Hanus, C.; Geptin, H.; Tushev, G.; Garg, S.; Alvarez-Castelao, B.; Sambandan, S.; Kochen, L.; Hafner, A. S.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Unconventional secretory processing diversifies neuronal ion channel properties. Elife 5 (2016)
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Schanzenbächer, C. T.; Sambandan, S.; Langer, J. D.; Schuman, E. M.: Nascent proteome remodeling following homeostatic scaling at hippocampal synapses. Neuron 92, pp. 358 - 371 (2016)
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Mahdavi, A.; Hamblin, G. D.; Jindal, G. A.; Bagert, J. D.; Dong, C.; Sweredoski, M. J.; Hess, S.; Schuman, E. M.; Tirrell, D. A.: Engineered Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase for Cell-Selective Analysis of Mammalian Protein Synthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 138, pp. 4278 - 4281 (2016)
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Tushev, G.; Schuman, E. M.: Rethinking functional segregation: Gradients of gene expression in area CA1. Neuron 89, pp. 242 - 243 (2016)
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Martin, K. C.; Schuman, E. M.: NEUROSCIENCE. Opting in or out of the network. Science 350 (6267), pp. 1477 - 8 (2015)
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tom Dieck, S.; Kochen, L.; Hanus, C.; Heumuller, M.; Bartnik, I.; Nassim-Assir, B.; Merk, K.; Mosler, T.; Garg, S.; Bunse, S. et al.; Tirrell, D. A.; Schuman, E. M.: Direct visualization of newly synthesized target proteins in situ. Nat Methods 12 (5), pp. 411 - 4 (2015)
Journal Article
You, X.; Vlatkovic, I.; Babic, A.; Will, T.; Epstein, I.; Tushev, G.; Akbalik, G.; Wang, M.; Glock, C.; Quedenau, C. et al.; Wang, X.; Hou, J.; Liu, H.; Sun, W.; Sambandan, S.; Chen, T.; Schuman, E. M.; Chen, W.: Neural circular RNAs are derived from synaptic genes and regulated by development and plasticity. Nat Neurosci 18 (4), pp. 603 - 610 (2015)
Journal Article
Yuet, K. P.; Doma, M. K.; Ngo, J. T.; Sweredoski, M. J.; Graham, R. L. J.; Moradian, A.; Hess, S.; Schuman, E. M.; Sternberg, P. W.; Tirrell, D. A.: Cell-specific proteomic analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 112 (9), pp. 2705 - 2710 (2015)
Journal Article
Buhr, F.; Kohl-Landgraf, J.; tom Dieck, S.; Hanus, C.; Chatterjee, D.; Hegelein, A.; Schuman, E. M.; Wachtveitl, J.; Schwalbe, H.: Design of photocaged puromycin for nascent polypeptide release and spatiotemporal monitoring of translation. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 54 (12), pp. 3717 - 21 (2015)
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Garg, S.; Fischer, S.; Stelzer, E.; Schuman, E. M.: Lateral assembly of N-cadherin drives tissue integrity by stabilising adherens junctions. Journal of Royal Society Interface 12 (104), 20141055 (2015)
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Hanus, C.; Kochen, L.; Tom Dieck, S.; Racine, V.; Sibarita, J. B.; Schuman, E. M.; Ehlers, M. D.: Synaptic control of secretory trafficking in dendrites. Cell Rep. 7 (6), pp. 1771 - 1778 (2014)
Journal Article
Bagert, J. D.; Xie, Y. J.; Sweredoski, M. J.; Qi, Y.; Hess, S.; Schuman, E. M.; Tirrell, D. A.: Quantitative, time-resolved proteomic analysis by combining bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging and pulsed stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 13 (5), pp. 1352 - 1358 (2014)
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Perkovic, M.; Kunz, M.; Endesfeldert, U.; Bunse, S.; Wigge, C.; Yu, Z.; Hodirnau, V.-V.; Scheffer, M. P.; Seyberg, A.; Malkusch, S. et al.; Schuman, E. M.; Heilemann, M.; Fangakis, A. S.: Correlative Light- and electron Microscopy with chemical tags. J. Struct. Biol. 186 (2), pp. 205 - 213 (2014)
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Akbalik, G.; Schuman, E. M.: mRNA, live and unmasked. Science 343 (6169), pp. 375 - 376 (2014)
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Will, T. J.; Tushev, G.; Kochen, L.; Nassim-Assir, B.; Cajigas, I. J.; Tom Dieck, S.; Schuman, E. M.: Deep sequencing and high-resolution imaging reveal compartment-specific localization of Bdnf mRNA in hippocampal neurons. Sci Signal 6 (306), p. rs16 (2013)
Journal Article
Epstein, I.; Tushev, G.; Will, T. J.; Vlatkovic, I.; Cajigas, I. J.; Schuman, E. M.: Alternative polyadenylation and differential expression of Shank mRNAs in the synaptic neuropil. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 369 (1633), p. 20130137 (2013)
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Bunse, S.; Garg, S.; Junek, S.; Vogel, D.; Ansari, N.; Stelzer, E.; Schuman, E.: Role of N-Cadherin cis and trans interfaces in the dynamics of adherens junctions in living cells. PLoS One 8 (12), e81517 (2013)
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Hinz, F.; Aizenberg, M.; Schuman, E.: Protein synthesis-dependent associative long-term memory in larval zebrafish. J. Neurosci. 33 (39), pp. 15382 - 15387 (2013)
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Taylor, A.; Wu, J.; Tai, H. C.; Schuman, E.: Axonal translation of ß-catenin regulates synaptic vesicle dynamics. J. Neurosci. 33 (13), pp. 5584 - 5589 (2013)
Journal Article
Ngo, J.; Schuman, E.; Tirrell, D.: Mutant methionyl-tRNA synthease from bacteria enables site-selective N-terminal labeling of proteins expressed in mammalian cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 110 (13), pp. 4992 - 4997 (2013)
Journal Article
tom Dieck, S.; Müller, A.; Nehring, A.; Hinz, F. I.; Bartnik, I.; Schuman, E. M.; Dieterich, D. C.: Metabolic labeling with noncanonical amino acids and visualization by chemoselective fluorescent tagging. Curr Protoc Cell Biol, Chapter 7: Unit 7.11, pp. 1 - 29 (2012)
Journal Article
Ngo, J. T.; Babin, B. M.; Champion, J. A.; Schuman, E. M.; Tirrell, D. A.: State-selective metabolic labeling of cellular proteins. ACS Chem. Biol. 7 (8), pp. 1326 - 1330 (2012)
Journal Article
Cajigas, I. J.; Tushev, G.; Will, T. J.; tom Dieck, S.; Fürst, N.; Schuman, E. M.: The local transcriptome in the synaptic neuropil revealed by deep sequencing and high-resolution imaging. Neuron 74 (3), pp. 453 - 466 (2012)
Journal Article
Hinz, F. I.; Dieterich, D. C.; Tirrell, D. A.; Schuman, E. M.: Noncanonical amino acid labeling in vivo to visualize and affinity purify newly synthesized proteins in larval zebrafish. ACS Chemical Neuroscience 3 (1), pp. 40 - 49 (2012)
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Hodas, J. J. L.; Nehring, A.; Höche, N.; Sweredoski, M. l. J.; Pielot, R.; Hess, S.; Tirrell, D. A.; Dieterich, D. C.; Schuman, E. M.: Dopaminergic modulation of the hippocampal neuropil proteome identified by bio-orthogonal non-canonical amino-acid tagging (BONCAT). Proteomics 12 (15-16 Sp. Iss. SI), pp. 2464 - 2476 (2012)
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Ito, H. T.; Schuman, E. M.: Functional division of hippocampal area CA1 via modulatory gating of entorhinal cortical inputs. Hippocampus 22 (2), pp. 372 - 387 (2012)
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Aizenberg, M.; Schuman, E. M.: Cerebellar-dependent learning in larval zebrafish. J. Neurosci. 31 (24), pp. 8708 - 8712 (2011)
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Kim, S. A.; Tai, C.-Y.; Mok, L.-P.; Mosser, E. A.; Schuman, E. M.: Calcium-dependent dynamics of cadherin interactions at cell-cell junctions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 108 (24), pp. 9857 - 9862 (2011)
Journal Article
Szychowski, J.; Mahdavi, A.; Hodas, J. J.; Bagert, J. D.; Ngo, J. T.; Landgraf, P.; Dieterich, D. C.; Schuman, E. M.; Tirrell, D. A.: Cleavable biotin probes for labeling of biomolecules via azide-alkyne cycloaddition. J Am Chem Soc 132 (51), pp. 18351 - 60 (2010)
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Tai, H. C.; Besche, H.; Goldberg, A. L.; Schuman, E. M.: Characterization of the Brain 26S Proteasome and its Interacting Proteins. Front Mol Neurosci 3 (2010)
Journal Article
Dieterich, D. C.; Hodas, J. J. L.; Gouzer, G.; Shadrin, I. Y.; Ngo, J. T.; Triller, A.; Tirrell, D. A.; Schuman, E. M.: In situ visualization and dynamics of newly synthesized proteins in rat hippocampal neurons. Nat. Neurosci. 13 (7), pp. 897 - 905 (2010)
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Taylor, A. M.; Dieterich, D. C.; Ito, H. T.; Kim, S. A.; Schuman, E. M.: Microfluidic local perfusion chambers for the visualization and manipulation of synapses. Neuron 66 (1), pp. 57 - 68 (2010)
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Rutishauser, U.; Ross, I. B.; Mamelak, A. N.; Schuman, E. M.: Human memory strength is predicted by theta-frequency phase-locking of single neurons. Nature 464 (7290), pp. 903 - 907 (2010)
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Tai, H. C.; Schuman, E. M.: Preview. Angelman syndrome: finding the lost arc. Cell 140 (5), pp. 608 - 610 (2010)
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Ito, H. T.; Schuman, E. M.: Distance-dependent homeostatic synaptic scaling mediated by a-type potassium channels. Front Cell Neurosci 3, p. 15 (2010)
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Ngo, J. T.; Champion, J. A.; Mahdavi, A.; Tanrikulu, I. C.; Beatty, K. E.; Connor, R. E.; Yoo, T. H.; Dieterich, D. C.; Schuman, E. M.; Tirrell, D. A.: Cell-selective metabolic labeling of proteins. Nat Chem Biol 5 (10), pp. 715 - 7 (2009)
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Ito, H. T.; Schuman, E. M.: Frequency-dependent gating of synaptic transmission and plasticity by dopamine. Front Neural Circuits 1, p. 1 (2008)
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Mysore, S. P.; Tai, C. Y.; Schuman, E. M.: Effects of N-cadherin disruption on spine morphological dynamics. Front Cell Neurosci 1, p. 1 (2008)
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Antion, M. D.; Merhav, M.; Hoeffer, C. A.; Reis, G.; Kozma, S. C.; Thomas, G.; Schuman, E. M.; Rosenblum, K.; Klann, E.: Removal of S6K1 and S6K2 leads to divergent alterations in learning, memory, and synaptic plasticity. Learn Mem 15 (1), pp. 29 - 38 (2008)
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Rutishauser, U.; Schuman, E. M.; Mamelak, A. N.: Activity of human hippocampal and amygdala neurons during retrieval of declarative memories. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105 (1), pp. 329 - 34 (2007)
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Sutton, M. A.; Taylor, A. M.; Ito, H. T.; Pham, A.; Schuman, E. M.: Postsynaptic decoding of neural activity: eEF2 as a biochemical sensor coupling miniature synaptic transmission to local protein synthesis. Neuron 55 (4), pp. 648 - 661 (2007)
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Tai, C. Y.; Mysore, S. P.; Chiu, C.; Schuman, E. M.: Activity-regulated N-cadherin endocytosis. Neuron 54 (5), pp. 771 - 85 (2007)
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Dieterich, D. C.; Lee, J. J.; Link, A. J.; Graumann, J.; Tirrell, D. A.; Schuman, E. M.: Labeling, detection and identification of newly synthesized proteomes with bioorthogonal non-canonical amino-acid tagging. Nat Protoc 2 (3), pp. 532 - 40 (2007)
Journal Article
Beatty, K. E.; Liu, J. C.; Xie, F.; Dieterich, D. C.; Schuman, E. M.; Wang, Q.; Tirrell, D. A.: Fluorescence visualization of newly synthesized proteins in mammalian cells. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 45 (44), pp. 7364 - 7 (2006)
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Bingol, B.; Schuman, E. M.: Activity-dependent dynamics and sequestration of proteasomes in dendritic spines. Nature 441 (7097), pp. 1144 - 8 (2006)
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Dieterich, D. C.; Link, A. J.; Graumann, J.; Tirrell, D. A.; Schuman, E. M.: Selective identification of newly synthesized proteins in mammalian cells using bioorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103 (25), pp. 9482 - 7 (2006)
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Sutton, M. A.; Ito, H. T.; Cressy, P.; Kempf, C.; Woo, J. C.; Schuman, E. M.: Miniature neurotransmission stabilizes synaptic function via tonic suppression of local dendritic protein synthesis. Cell 125 (4), pp. 785 - 799 (2006)
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Rutishauser, U.; Mamelak, A. N.; Schuman, E. M.: Single-trial learning of novel stimuli by individual neurons of the human hippocampus-amygdala complex. Neuron 49 (6), pp. 805 - 13 (2006)
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Rutishauser, U.; Schuman, E. M.; Mamelak, A. N.: Online detection and sorting of extracellularly recorded action potentials in human medial temporal lobe recordings, in vivo. J Neurosci Methods 154 (1-2), pp. 204 - 24 (2006)
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Tai, H. C.; Schuman, E. M.: MicroRNA: microRNAs reach out into dendrites. Curr Biol 16 (4), pp. R121 - 3 (2006)
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Goard, M.; Aakalu, G.; Fedoryak, O. D.; Quinonez, C.; St Julien, J.; Poteet, S. J.; Schuman, E. M.; Dore, T. M.: Light-mediated inhibition of protein synthesis. Chem Biol 12 (6), pp. 685 - 93 (2005)
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Smith, W. B.; Starck, S. R.; Roberts, R. W.; Schuman, E. M.: Dopaminergic stimulation of local protein synthesis enhances surface expression of GluR1 and synaptic transmission in hippocampal neurons. Neuron 45 (5), pp. 765 - 79 (2005)
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