Korbinian Brodmann exhibition
At the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research on display between September 14 and November 14, 2018

Korbinian Brodmann (1868-1918) was an extraordinary scientist who worked both at the Frankfurt Municipal Mental Asylum and Berlin Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute for Brain Research. He collaborated with Alois Alzheimer as well as Cécile and Oskar Vogt. 150 years after he was born, we honor him with an exhibition about his work on brain mapping and his tragic personal life.
The travelling exhibition is bilingual (German and English) and was on display at the communication area of ground floor. It was developed by the University of Ulm at Ravensburg and the Korbinian Brodmann Museum (Hohenfels-Liggersdorf).
The exhibition has been official opened at the Max Planck Day (September 14, 2018). The opening included public lectures by Dr. Uta Kanis-Seyfried (University of Ulm) about the history as well as Prof. Dr. Moritz Helmstaedter (Max Planck Institute for Brain Research) about recent development including connectomics. The exhibition was at display at the MPI for Brain Research between September 14 and November 14, 2018.
Some impressions are shown below.