
rmn2 Lecture: The brain, a self-organizing, dynamical system (Goethe University, Frankfurt) 02.02.2015 
Hertie Lecture: Hirnforschung, was kannst du? - Potenziale und Grenzen, Staedel, Frankfurt, 11.09.2014 Link
Heller Lecture on the occasion of an invitation by the Hebrew University, "Philosophical Implications of Brain Research: Discrepancies between First and Third Person Perspective" 03.12.2013
Wilhelm Wundt Lecture on the occasion of an invitation by the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science, "The dynamic brain: Time as coding space in cortical processing", 11.03.2013
Höllerer Lecture, Technical University Berlin, "Conflicts between intuition and neurobiological evidence", 16.06.2011
"Dynamic coordination of distributed processing in the brain": Lecture on the occasion of the Nobel Symposium "Mind, Machines and Molecules", Stockholm, 25.-28.05.2011
Zülch Lecture "The search for the neuronal code": Lecture on the occasion of the NWG Conference, Göttingen, 24.03.2011
"The search for the neuronal code": Lecture on the occasion of the 13th Annual Conference of the German Audiology Association as part of the Brain Awareness Week, Frankfurt, 18.03.2010
"Our intuitions about the brain are in conflict with scientific evidence": Lecture on the occasion of an invitation by the Goethe Institute Moscow, 23.09.2010
Hirnforschung - Brücke zwischen Natur und Humanwissenschaften
Festvortrag MPG Hauptversammlung Rostock 2005
"Was kann ein Mensch wann lernen?": Vortrag anlässlich des ersten Werkstattgespräches der Initiative McKinsey bildet in der Deutschen Bibliothek, Frankfurt am Main am 12. Juni 2001 PDF
Eröffnungsvortrag des 43. Deutschen Historikertags Wahrnehmen, Erinnern, Vergessen Über Nutzen und Vorteil der Hirnforschung für die Geschichtswissenschaft PDF
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