Past Events

 Here you can find a selection of events organized at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research.

Max Planck Day

Max Planck Day

September 14, 2018
On Max Planck Day, September 14, 2018 a wide range of activities took place in 32 cities across Germany. All visitors had the opportunity to experience research at Max Planck live - and to discuss current issues with the people behind this research. The MPI for Brain Research in Frankfurt also participated with a series of public events. more
100 years of MPI for Brain Research
In 2014, the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research celebrated its 100 years anniversary. We looked back at the interesting, but also tragic history of the MPI and its predessor, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Brain Research, and full of confidence, we look to the future for another successful and exciting 100 years of brain research in our new Institute building at the Natural Sciences Campus in Frankfurt-Riedberg. more
Opening Symposium
Celebrating its 100 years anniversary, the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research organised a scientific symposium "Circuits in Neuroscience" on September 24 and 25, 2014. During these two days, more than 300 people (students, postdocs, senior scientist, but also alumni) visited the lectures at the Biocenter, the get-together at the Institute with two excellent evening lectures on the Institute's history and the pedigrees of its current directors. more